Enovio Consulting
Contextual Inquiry research project to improve knowledge management 

Roles    //    Project Manager & Writer    
Tools    //    Brainstorming & Affinity Mapping

Timeline: September 2019 - December 2019


Enovio Consulting is a firm local to Ann Arbor, Michigan founded in 2017. Its primary purpose is to help clients improve their business via a knowledge immersion approach. Over the course of 4 months, I led a Contextual Inquiry project with the goal of improving their Knowledge Management platform ecosystem to increase employee efficiency and reduce client on-boarding time. 
Throughout the semester our team conducted user interviews, as well as a heuristic evaluation of the current platform, SharePoint. We also conducted competitive analysis across the Knowledge Management space to highlight opportunities. Our recommendations are based off our teams affinity mapping exercise explained in extensive detail in our report linked below.

Key Recommendations
Create a Knowledge Management team with specific, dedicated SharePoint roles.
Consistent data tagging and organization for increased search-ability.
Data cleanse to improve overall efficiency and improve storage.

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